What would you think are the most common causes of fires in commercial buildings?
According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the most common causes of fires in commercial buildings are as follows: (1) cooking equipment, (2) heating equipment, (3) electrical and lighting equipment, (4) smoking materials, and (5) arson.
By knowing in advance what the likely causes of a commercial fire may be, your business can take the proper precautions to help prevent damage to your property. .
What are the numbers? Here you go:
Cooking equipment is responsible for:
65% of fires in healthcare facilities
61% of fires in restaurants
38% of fires in educational institutions
29% of fires in office properties
13% of fires in stores and mercantile properties
Heating equipment is responsible for:
14% of fires in industrial or manufacturing properties
11% of fires in office properties
9% of fires in restaurants
5% of fires in healthcare facilities
Electrical problems are responsible for:
12% of fires in office properties
10% of fires in stores and mercantile properties
9% of fires in restaurants
5% of fires in healthcare facilities
Smoking materials are responsible for:
9% of fires in office properties
7% of fires in restaurants
5% of fires in healthcare facilities
Intentional fire-starting is responsible for:
36% of fires in educational institutions
10% of fires in office properties
6% of fires in healthcare facilities
4% of fires in restaurants
When your home or business is affected by fire, not only is it a severe loss, but the next step requires finding proper guidance and support to save as much as possible after the fire and smoke damage has occurred. West Tennessee Restoration's techs are certified professionals whose primary goal is to get you back into your home or business ASAP, while advising and informing you during the process. We're here to help, at (731) 660-9090.