Thanksgiving is the #1 day for house fires, jumping by 350%.
With so many households either in the kitchen, or using other cooking methods on this holiday, the risk of fire and injuries is higher than any other day of the year. Christmas is the second day of the year with the most home fires.
Fire departments responded to over 1,600 home cooking fires on Thanksgiving day last year. And while you may think COVID restrictions will result in a reduction, the exact opposite could be likely as fewer large gatherings results in more small gatherings instead, and more possible cooking disasters.
Fire prevention experts strongly discourage the use of turkey fryers, as they can lead to burns, injuries, and property damage. Here is a photo showing what happens when a not-completely-thawed turkey is placed in a fryer.

Experts advise that if you insist on using one, be sure it is outside the home, and use extreme caution. It's just not a good idea for a novice, or if there are children nearby.
Other advice when cooking at home during the holidays:
Stay focused: it's easy to get distracted during the holidays, but stay focused, never leave the kitchen with something on the stovetop. Watch the use of oil. Check your cooking food regularly, using timers to keep track of cooking times can be helpful.
Dress properly: avoid wearing any loose fitting or billowy clothing. Fabric that is exposed always has the potential to catch fire from an oven burner or other cooking source. If you are wearing long sleeves, push them up.
Outlet management: don't overload the wall outlets or power strips. The holidays always result in folks bringing out their crock pots and other cooking items that are seldom used and, combined, put outlets and power strips under more electrical stress than normal.
Kid & Pet free zone: there are a lot of moving parts in the kitchen during the holidays, and when hot items and sharp items are nearby, it's best to be sure that children and pets are restricted from the area.
Be prepared for a fire: are you prepared if a fire does occur? Do you know what to do? Are there lids, or baking soda, or a fire extinguisher already nearby? Here is a short video demonstrating what to do, and what NOT to do in the vent of a fire on the stove.
When your home or business is affected by fire, not only is it a severe loss, but the next step requires finding proper guidance and support to save as much as possible after the fire and smoke damage has occurred.
West Tennessee Restoration's techs are certified professionals whose primary goal is to get you back into your home or business ASAP, while advising and informing you during the process. We're here to help, at (731) 660-9090.