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The dangers of holiday candles - a must read for every homeowner!
During the holiday season, candles are often a part of home decorations. They can also be very dangerous. Candles are an obvious source...

#1 day for house fires? Thanksgiving! How to prevent it.
Thanksgiving is the #1 day for house fires, jumping by 350%. With so many households either in the kitchen, or using other cooking...

Holiday CANDLES cause THOUSANDS of fires annually!
During the holiday season, candles are often a frequent part of home decorations. They can also be very dangerous. Candles are an obvious...

The dangers of holiday candles. Be aware, over 20 house fires a day are caused by...
During the holiday season, candles are often a frequent part of home decorations. They can also be very dangerous. Candles are an obvious...

Candles in your home? Nearly 25 house fires PER DAY are caused by candles.
Candles are an obvious source of fires. In fact, over a 4 year period (2012-2016) fire departments responded to over 32,000 home fires...
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